Happy International Duffle Coat Day, 2016!

So the first ever International Duffle Coat Day has dawned.
And here in Leicester (where we’re based) it was appropriately frosty for what may be the last duffle coat wearing day of the season.
To celebrate International Duffle Coat Day, we’re running a competition, and the prize? One of our cuter than cute children’s duffle coats. You still have time to enter (if you’re quick), the competition ends at 23:59 BST on March 31st, 2016. How to enter our Duffle Coat Competition.
And a huge THANK YOU to everyone has submitted a photo already (see above), it’s brilliant to see a visual feast of duffling! We’ve had entries from around the world and one duffle coat lover – Maureen McLaughin – even submitted a poem!
We’ll leave you with it as a fitting way to celebrate International Duffle Coat Day. Cherish your duffles today fellow dufflers!
A duffle coat poem by Maureen McLaughin
Here’s a photo of me wearing my splendid, jazzy duffle coat.
For an award of “Best Coat Ever” the classic duffle would get my vote.
It’s a style that never dates, it is a triumph of design,
It’s a favourite of so many, and especially of mine.
It works in any colour, even tartan or fine tweed,
With horn or wooden toggles, it looks very smart indeed.
It is the quintessential go-to choice for stylish outerwear,
It can work in any season, whether bitter cold or fair.
It never will look dated, it transcends the trends of fashion.
You may find one is not enough, it may inspire a passion
You may decide to have a duffle coat in every shade,
In each and every colour and with linings of bold plaid.
And the duffle coat that you will choose will be a joy to wear
I know a poem wasn’t required…I just felt the need to share.