And the winner of our International Duffle Coat Day Competition 2016 is…

Maureen McLaughin!
See above for the picture that Maureen sent in to our International Duffle Coat Day competition. We are LOVING her funky duffle coat!
We chose our winner by assigning each entrant a number, and then entering the numbers into an online random choice generator.
And the fact that Maureen’s number came up is particularly fitting, because she actually wrote a poem to accompany her entry to our competition. We were very impressed by her level of devotion to duffle coats.
Congratulations Maureen, we hope you had a marvellous International Duffle Coat Day on March the 31st.
We’ll contact you by email with details of how to claim your prize, which is a child’s duffle coat from our new range of duffle coats for children. We hope it makes the small person in your life very happy.
And of course we’d love to see photos once you’ve received it, so do feel free to share! ?
Thank you to everyone who took part in International Duffle Coat Day, you can see all the photos in our Facebook photo album.
Should we celebrate International Duffle Coat Day in 2017? Let us know…