Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? We can’t help but get excited by the prospect of waking up to a flurry of snowflakes this Christmas.
When was the last white Christmas?
Officially we need at least one snowflake to fall somewhere in the UK on December 25 for it to be classed as a white Christmas. Snow that’s fallen earlier in December and is still on the ground may look super pretty but it won’t count for the record book. England’s last white Christmas was in 2010, when snow or sleet fell at 19 per cent of stations, according to the met office.
This time next week December 25th moves into the range of the official16 day weather forecasts. That means daily weather updates begin to calculate and watch for the chance of snow on Christmas day. At the present time there continues to be signs of colder than average spells of weather between now and the end of the year.
A white Christmas has only happened four times in the last 51 years. But with a truly wintery blast ready to hit the country later this week who knows. Maybe we do need to dust off that sledge?
The Met Offices somewhat protracted comments say that it’s difficult to accurately predict snow until five days beforehand. However, whatever the good weathermen and ladies say, there is a definite increase in chances and the bookies have released their odds at about 5-1.
Yes, we know that there’s a long time for things to change, but even during a milder than average winter a super cold snap can bring snow. So we’re ready. Wrapped up warm and snug in our super warm Duffle coat, woolly hats and snuggly scarves. Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
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#letitsnow #whitechristmas #readyforwinter