Taylor Swift does Duffle (we learnt it on Facebook)

Our model channelling Taylor Swift in a coloured duffle coat
Like all good companies, we have a Facebook page. (Have you liked us yet?)
It’s where we tell people who love duffles, what we’re up to, and how they can get our latest deals on Paddington’s favourite coat.
And sometimes we learn very interesting facts from our Facebook likers.
Like the other day when a ‘fight’ broke out in the comments box. In response to one of our updates, a reader agreed that duffle coats are warm…’but why would you want to wear one?’
Tumbleweed moment.
She went on to say that duffle coats are NOT fashionable.
It was like entering the Twilight Zone. Eerie music and rising suspense. What would happen next?
In charged another reader defending the duffle coat. And this reader pointed out that not only are duffles gorgeous and timeless, but Taylor Swift had recently worn a duffle.
Say what now? We did NOT know that.
Turns out that Taylor Swift WAS spotted wearing a duffle, but it was a while ago. However, on closer inspection, she’s quite the duffle coat fan. She’s been seen wearing a red duffle in Germany and a green duffle in New York.
But our favourite shot of Taylor Swift wearing a duffle coat? This ‘who wore it best?’ shot from her Insta account:
We are LOVING that coloured duffle!
But to comment on who ‘wore it better?’
Well, we couldn’t possibly get involved.
That could kick off all sorts of trouble in the comments box.
Keep doing your duffle coat thing Taylor Swift, we love it! (No offence Paddington.)