It was a bumper weekend of ordering duffle coats online

After last weekend’s BOGOF offer, we sent our duffles around the world!
If you’re on our mailing list (scroll down and add your name on the right) or you like us on Facebook, you may have seen our can’t-quite-believe-it offer over the weekend.
It was an incredible ‘buy one get one free’ on all our products.
Yep, that’s two duffle coats for the price of one.
Or two submariner’s sweaters (for the price of one).
Or two waxed Denison Jackets for… well, you get the idea.
Readers, we can confirm: you loved it!
So on Monday morning our team had the joyous task of picking, packing and shipping our duffle coats to 13 countries. And that’s not including all the duffle coats we sent off around the UK.
We received orders from:
The Netherlands
New Zealand
and the USA.
It was like a worldwide weekend duffle coat revolution! (Or W.W.D.C.R. for short.)
And guess what? By the end of the day on Monday, ALL the duffle coats were on their way.
Which is a pretty fast turnaround, right? They should be with you well before the weekend.
Happy duffling!
Oh, and we’d love to see photos of your duffle coat, wherever you are in the world. Please email them to us at, or post them to our Facebook page.