Glastonbury Rocks

It’s that festival madness time of year, where the denim shorts, crop tops, wellies and those floral headbands all make a guest appearance. The king of them all, Glastonbury, kicks off from 21 – 25 June. Hundreds of top bands will perform in the UK’s jewel of the festival season. Headliners such as Radio Head, Foo Fighters and Jools Holland head up the main Pyramid stage on Friday and Saturday not to mention the brilliant Ed Sherran and legendary Barry Gibb on Sunday.
But what to wear? For once is weather forecast is pretty good. Glastonbury Festival is famed for its unpredictable weather, from heat waves causing sunstroke to downpours making the site a mud bath. Most campers at the festival in Pilton typically expect to get a fair amount of mud on them during the event. But the predictions this year are forecasting fairly mild weather throughout the five-day festival so you probably won’t need your duffle coat. We hope festival-goers are prepared for potential wetter weather too. The advice form Worthy Farms, says; “pack light and only bring as much as you can carry” “oh, and bring water, lots of water and suncream”. Wise words we think! Glastonbury is the size of a small town and with so much to do, see and experience, who’d want to miss anything.
Have fun Glastonbury.
#glastonburyrocks #herecomesthesun #nowintercoat