Duffles in the Alps
A few of the duffle coats uk team have just returned from our annual pilgrimage to the French Alps, and we have never known it so cold.
The one thing that struck the duffle coats team was the amount of people wearing duffle coats. We took great pleasure in spotting some of our own Montgomery duffle coats donning the bars whilst enjoying some Apres ski.
A close friend of mine opted for the duffle coat as her winter coat of choice. The problem was she bought a cheap immitation from a large high street chain. Admittedly it looked like a duffle coat and looked rather nice in it’s bold colours. But, she was absolutely freezing.
My point is – Get the real deal! Duffles are functional fashion and are designed to serve a purpose as well as look great. The prices we offer give you know excuses to make this mistake.
Look great and feel great. MOntgomery Duffle coats have been keepig us, and will continue to keep us warm for generations.
Duffle Coats UK